Is the Google March Core Update Over? What Did SEO Fans Gain and Lose?

Is the Google March Core Update Over? What Did SEO Fans Gain and Lose?

Did the Google March Core Update Drop the Mic? SEO Victories & Heartbreaks (and How to Move Forward)

Remember the Google March Core Update? It felt like an SEO earthquake, shaking websites up and leaving many scrambling for answers. Questions echoed in web developer chatrooms: "Is it over? Did Google just rewrite the SEO rulebook? Did my website get swallowed by a digital black hole?"

The rollout of Google's March 2024 core update is finished. It wrapped up on April 19th, marking the first significant update of the year. This update was substantial and coincided with other major changes, resulting in a 45% decrease in unhelpful content.

Well, fretful SEO warriors, take a deep breath and unclench your fists. The dust has settled (somewhat), and it's time to analyze the battlefield – what did SEO lovers gain and lose in the March update, and how can we leverage this knowledge for future success?

First things first, is the March Core Update a thing of the past?

The short answer: probably not. Google's core updates are like surprise quizzes in the ever-evolving classroom of SEO. They tweak their algorithm to prioritize high-quality websites that deliver exceptional user experiences. So, while the initial tremors might have subsided, expect similar updates in the future.

The completion of Google's March 2024 core update brought some surprising results. Initially projected at a 40% reduction in low-quality content, it actually achieved a 45% decrease, exceeding expectations. A Google spokesperson noted, "The updates led to larger quality improvements than we originally thought – you’ll now see 45% less low quality, unoriginal content in search results, versus the 40% improvement we expected across this work."

In addition to this, Google revamped its help center page to assist site owners in diagnosing drops in Google Search ranking. They also introduced a new feedback form for closer review of site ranking changes by the Google Search team.

During this period, Google implemented multiple updates simultaneously. Alongside the March 2024 spam update, which ran from March 5 to March 20, there were numerous manual actions addressing pure spam. Additionally, Google made changes to its core web vitals, switching from FID to INP.

Due to these overlapping updates, pinpointing the exact cause of any site performance changes in Google Search may prove challenging.

So, what SEO gems did the March update shower us with?

  • Content Coronation: High-quality, informative content continues to reign supreme. Websites offering valuable, well-written content saw a significant ranking boost. Think of it as Google rewarding students who actually studied for the quiz, not the ones who crammed last minute!
  • User Experience Euphoria: The focus on user experience intensified. Websites that are mobile-friendly, load quickly, and offer a smooth navigation experience climbed the ranks. Imagine Google rewarding classrooms with comfortable chairs, good lighting, and (dare we dream?) actual snacks – it's all about creating a positive learning environment for users!
  • Backlink Bonanza (the Ethical Kind): Websites with high-quality backlinks from reputable sources continued to be rewarded. Backlinks are like gold stars in the SEO world, and earning them organically through fantastic content creation is the key. No more shady backlink schemes – Google's onto you!

But wait, there were some SEO heartbreaks too, right?

  • Thin Content Catastrophe: Websites with thin, outdated, or irrelevant content took a tumble. Google doesn't have time for students who show up to the quiz with a blank sheet of paper!
  • Experience Enigma: Websites with clunky user interfaces, slow loading times, or poor mobile responsiveness saw a decline. Think of classrooms with flickering lights, broken desks, and a constant game of musical chairs – not exactly conducive to learning (or a good SEO score).
  • Backlink Mystery Mix: Sometimes, even websites with seemingly good backlinks were impacted. The reasons behind these fluctuations can be as opaque as Google's algorithm itself.

But fear not, SEO adventurers! Here's how to use this knowledge to your advantage:

  • Content Crusade: Revamp your content! Focus on creating informative, engaging content that addresses your audience's needs. Research, write like a human, and sprinkle in some humor to keep things interesting.
  • User Experience Extravaganza: Make your website user-friendly. Ensure it's mobile-responsive, loads quickly, and is easy to navigate. Think of creating a classroom environment that's not only informative but also enjoyable for your "students" (website visitors).
  • Backlink Bonanza (the Ethical Kind, Remember?): Earn backlinks from reputable websites in your niche. Guest blogging and creating high-quality content are great ways to achieve this. Build relationships with other websites in your field – it's all about collaboration, not competition!
  • Stay Updated: Keep yourself informed about the latest SEO trends and best practices. Utilize tools like ours at to stay ahead of the curve. Think of it as attending extra credit lectures and workshops to ace your next SEO quiz!

The March Core Update wasn't a death knell for SEO, but a wake-up call. It's a reminder to prioritize user experience, create valuable content, and build a strong online presence.

Understanding Google algorithm updates is crucial for all brands, businesses, and organizations. These updates have the potential to influence your site's performance in search results significantly. Whether it's a positive or negative change in rankings due to a core update, it can affect your organic traffic, conversions, and revenue.

Being aware of when Google rolls out these updates allows site owners to determine whether traffic fluctuations stem from changes made to their site or adjustments in Google's ranking algorithm. You can use the free SEO Tools provided by and empowers site owners to adapt their strategies accordingly and maintain their competitive edge in the digital landscape.

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